Monday, 8 February 2016

Malo lelei & Welcome

Welcome and hello to everyone will view this Biology blog of mine.My named is 'Aki Vea,I'm seventeen years old.I was born on the 12 December 1998 and  I'm currently a students here at Tamaki College.My ethnicity is Tongan.I made this Blog because I was told to by my Biology teacher miss Nicola Wells.
                                                 What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is diagnosed when a person has to much glucose or sugar in the blood.This happen because the pancreas cannot make enough insulin.Pancreas is a large gland behind the stomach. There are two type of diabetes the first diabetes is called diabetes type 1 is when you where born with it and diabetes type 2 is when you get it automatically when you eat to much glucose or sugar and lack of exercising.Diabetes cannot be non-communicable,diabetes also called in Tongan suka.

Malo Aupito & Thank you

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aki,

    What a cool post, I love the connection you told me about between the Tongan word suka and sugar! You've shown a base of understanding about the two types of diabetes. One thing I would correct though is that if someone eats too much sugar and doesn't exercise they won't automatically get diabetes, but it will increase their chances of developing type 2 diabetes.

    Also some quick feedback not about biology: be careful using your whole name and birthday on the internet, maybe quickly edit this post and put Aki V instead, to keep you safe online!

    Thanks again for you post - your blog looks pretty as well :)

    Miss Wells
